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Renoda Campbell Puts Area’s Top Spots in Focus

Renoda Campbell Puts Area’s Top Spots in Focus

这位圣路易斯奥比斯波(San Luis Obispo)婚礼摄影师为世界注入了正能量,包括收集了该地区的重要经历

San Luis Obispo resident Renoda Campbell has a long list of passions, but when she talks about her work, 有一个主题很突出:这位58岁的婚礼摄影师以各种形式庆祝爱情, size, and color.        

Campbell moved to the Central Coast 20多年前,他离开了洛杉矶的音乐行业. She got a master's degree at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, raised a family, 在当地一所高中当摄影师, shooting portraits of seniors and athletes. 

“我一直很喜欢拍照,但我从来没有想过成为一名婚礼摄影师. 后来有一天,有人让我帮他们拍婚纱照,我就爱上了这份工作。.

“世界上有很多消极的东西,但婚礼恰恰相反. 看到两个人如此相爱,有家人和朋友在那里支持他们,这是一件多么强大的事情."

随着坎贝尔越来越多地参与到婚礼业务中,她发现了一个缺失的部分. “我意识到我没有在主流杂志上看到非裔美国人或LGBTQ+夫妇的照片. Their love stories weren't written, weren't visible. I thought, 'Why not?' So I became an activist. 我想强调LGBTQ+情侣之间的浪漫, couples of color, and couples that believe in inclusivity. I wanted to celebrate and honor them."

San Luis Obispo County is an ideal location for her business, Campbell says. “bbin游戏官网有所有这些很棒的场地,非常适合举办婚礼. There are beautiful parks, beaches, and wineries.”

一个著名的SLO婚礼场地是奢华的粉红色 Madonna Inn, 它有装饰华丽的主题房间,包括石墙的穴居人房间和带有四轮床框架的先锋风格的雅虎房间. But Campbell says the Madonna Inn's bakery is even more alluring than the one-of-a-kind decor.

"They're known for their pink champagne cake, 他们用一种特殊的粉色糖做的这种糖和圣母旅馆里所有东西的粉色都是一样的. That pink cake is to die for. My other favorite is their chocolate cream pie, which has shredded chocolate in the pie, not just on top. The pie is huge, maybe 20 to 24 inches wide, so when you get a slice, you get a really big slice," she says.

当然,你不必计划婚礼来享受圣路易斯奥比斯波. 坎贝尔有很多现成的推荐,从咖啡店到约会之夜.

“My husband and I both love Linnaea's Cafe on Garden Street in downtown,” she says. “They have a back patio that's a hidden gem. It's a good place to find a private spot to talk, work, 或者在绿树丛中学习,鸟儿在你周围鸣叫. I hold a lot of meetings there with clients.”

Family fun is abundant too: “The San Luis Obispo Children's Museum is a great place for kids,” she points out. “这是一个非常受欢迎的博物馆,有互动展览. 一切都是为了让孩子们在玩和做中学习而设计的. 父母一定要带孩子去看海象 Piedras Blancas Rookery north of San Simeon. Thousands of them haul out on the beach.”

Another favorite spot is Bubble Gum Alley这条人行道上覆盖着被嚼过的口香糖,估计有200万片. 这个instagram上著名的地标每年吸引成千上万的游客.

"It smells really sweet in that alley," she says. “我喜欢圣路易斯奥比斯波,因为它有点古怪."

It's also very romantic. 坎贝尔和她的丈夫最近庆祝了他们结婚30周年 Robin's这是一家位于坎布里亚(Cambria)附近一座土坯房里的亚洲融合餐厅. “食物非常好,他们为我丈夫提供了很多选择,他是素食主义者. Robin's has cozy little nooks and beautiful gardens."    

坎贝尔建议浪漫的情侣去格拉纳达酒店的休息室, Nightcap. 她说:“它有一种性感的约会之夜的氛围,而且他们做的精酿鸡尾酒很漂亮。. Another intimate spot is Sidecar坐落在圣路易斯奥比斯波市中心潺潺小溪边. “这是一个很棒的地方,制作非常棒的招牌饮料. 我通常点一杯莫斯科骡子,或者一杯普罗赛克. It's like dessert in a glass."


Farmers market: “无论你是想观察人们,还是只想吃一些真正好吃的食物,bbin游戏官网Downtown SLO Farmers' Market is the best. They sell fruits, vegetables, and freshly cut flowers, 他们也有热食摊贩做烧烤和其他美味的食物. People just sit on the curb and stuff their faces. 我最喜欢的摊位做烤玉米棒,太好吃了. The market covers five blocks of Higuera Street, 在小巷和角落里通常会有娱乐活动. 有各种各样的表演者,甚至小孩子在做体操.”

Parks and preserves: “My favorite park is Montaña de Oro State Park 因为那里有很多事情要做,而且那里很美. 这里有骑马、远足、露营、悬崖和海滩. It's just exquisite. I also love the Elfin Forest in Morro Bay. 生长在那里的加州活橡树应该有50英尺高,但它们只有4英尺高. 这些很小很小的树都有几百年的历史了.”

Ice cream: “I love Nite Creamery, which is located in an old creamery building. When you place your order, 他们就在你面前把原料混合在一起,然后用液氮把它们冷冻起来. 看起来很酷,因为液氮是如此的引人注目. 我丈夫总是买一种叫“素食者是天使”的口味, which is a strawberry plant-based ice cream. 我点了All Niter,这是一种咖啡冰淇淋,里面有巧克力块和奥利奥碎屑.“

Artsy hamlet: “I always tell people to visit the town of Harmony, about 15 miles north of Morro Bay. In the 1870s, the town was the center of the local dairy industry, 但现在它是一个只有18人的艺术家聚居地. You have to take a photo by the population sign. If you want to buy something special, stop in at Harmony Glass Works 浏览所有美丽的玻璃艺术雕塑,风铃,装饰品,纸镇,珠宝. There's a great pottery shop, too.”

Historic mission: “Everybody should visit the San Luis Obispo Mission. 这里有博物馆和礼品店,美丽的花园,你还可以参加弥撒. 它在加州的任务中是独一无二的,因为任务钟不是自动化的. 每天中午12点和下午6点,都有人敲响教堂的钟声.m.,也用于婚礼、葬礼和弥撒的开始. 我当了10年的敲钟人,铃铛真的很重. I had to wrap ropes around my arms to play them. 基本上我拿着3000磅重的钟让它们响.”

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